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Tuesday, January 15, 2019



The first kind of food a baby gets is mother's milk. Why is this so?

Milk is a highly nutritious food substance with which the female mammals feed their young. It contains most of the nutrients needed for growth and is, for most mammals, the main source of nutrition for several months after birth. In fact, the milk of each species of mammals, including human beings, is a complete, wholesome and easily digestible food for its own young ones after their birth. Milk is produced in special glands called mammary glands. Most of the female mammals have teats or nipples from which their young can suck milk. These teats are connected to the mammary glands by a series of tiny ducts.

Although the same ingredients are present in the milk of all mammals, their proportions vary. Milk is 80%-90% water. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. These constituents are needed for growth and repair of bones and tissues and of the normal functioning of the endocrine glands which produce hormones for growth. Proteins (mostly casein and albumin) supply and repair. The carbohydrates (mostly lactose or milk sugar) are a good energy source and help the body absorb calcium and phosphorus. The fats are in tiny droplets. Milk is converted into a soft curd in the stomach of the young one to which digestion can proceed smoothly without the disturbance that fatty foods often cause. Milk also supplies vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, and niacin. These are needed for formation of healthy bones and tissues.

If a mother takes a diet rich in necessary nutrients, her infant will invariably receive all that he requires from her milk. This will also provide certain antibodies to help build immunity to diseases. Immediately after the birth, the infant needs food every three to four hours, consuming about 600 milliliters of milk a day. By about 6 weeks, this hunger cycle lengthens and the infant may pass a night without needing to be fed.

If human babies are not fed by their mothers, they may be bottle-fed with pasteurized cow's milk, diluted and sweetened or mixing milk powder with water. These can be a valuable substitute for breast milk, but there are hazards involved. If not properly washed, the bottle may contain many bacteria which may cause the harmful diseases to the baby.

Some mothers believe that stronger milk helps the infant to sleep and grow better. But this is faulty reasoning. A concentrated feed will contain too much sodium and the infant's kidneys would have to work furiously to eliminate it. This may cause dehydration. Although the infant may appear to be growing quickly yet instead of building stronger bones and more muscles, the baby would just accumulate excess fat, which is not healthy sign.

Babies have also been fed on the milk of goat, buffalo, reindeer, caribou, sheep, camel, llama, and mare etc. During the second part of the first year, the infant is gradually weaned from milk to solid food. It is important that a balanced diet is maintained for proper healthy growth of the baby.

Friday, January 4, 2019



The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most amazing structures in the world. Located in the city of Pisa, Italy, it is visited by hundreds of people every day. Very few people know the reason for its leaning. Made of white marble, this structure has walls 4 meters thick at its base. It has 8 floors and is 54.5 meters high and measure 15.8 meters around the bases. There is a stairway, which leads to the top and has 300 steps. From its top, it is possible to get a breathtaking view of the city and the sea, which is 10 kilometers away.

Now the question arises - what makes this tower lean and why does it not fall?
Plumbline from the top is meters away from the base, i.e. it leans over by 4 meters. If we drop a ball from its top, it would hit the ground 4 meters away from its base.

Originally, it was intended as a bell-tower for the cathedral, which is nearby.  Its construction was started in 1174 A.D. and completed in 1350 A.D. When the construction started nobody thought that it would lean, but it started leaning as soon as the third story was completed. The foundation of the tower was laid in sand and this may explain why it leans. Since the tower started leaning, the plan for its construction was modified and then the tower was completed. Since 1918, yearly measurements have been made. These measurements show that the leaning is increasing. During the last one hundred years, the tower has leaned another 30 centimeters.

But why does it not fall even while leaning?
According to science, anything will remain stable as long as the vertical line drawn from the center of gravity passes through its base. The center of gravity is that point where the whole mass of the body is supposed to be concentrated. Till today the vertical line from the center of gravity has been falling within the base of the tower. That is why it has not fallen. It is believed that when the tower leans further and the line from its center of gravity passes out of its base, it will fall down.

However, by using different new methods and techniques, engineers and technologists are now trying to arrest further leaning of the tower.


MILK - The first kind of food a baby gets is mother's milk. Why is this so? Milk is a highly nutritious food substance with which ...