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Wednesday, June 27, 2018



There is a difference of opinion on this question. People have various explanations; some say that girls are brighter than boys while others have the opposite view. Scientists have yet to establish a logical scale by which it can be established that one sex is smarter than the other. Here are some facts, which provide some insight into this question.

The average brain weight of males is slightly more than that of females, and also the average body weight of men is more, therefore, in both sexes, brain weight percentage to the total body weight remains the same. The difference in brain size is not of much significance.

Various tests conducted on groups of girls and boys produced the same results. In tests, dealing with skills, the average score for girls was better. In tests pertaining to technical and mechanical ability, boys fared better. But these figures are not very important because these may not be a good measure of peoples' abilities. besides, this is only an average data on certain tests, one sex may score more than the other but the results are almost same in other tests.

Girls and boys are treated differently right from their childhood. Girls are usually given dolls to play with, while boys get electrical and mechanical toys. Therefore, girls are generally less technical than boys. But now things are changing. Today girls and boys are working together in various technical and non-technical fields, and their capabilities are almost equal. It is, basically, the kind of upbringing and training that decides the ability rather gender considerations. At present we have no scientific evidence by which it can be proved which sex is brighter. Neither sex has a monopoly on any special mental ability. It would be incorrect to judge brightness on gender grounds.


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