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Thursday, July 12, 2018



The growing urbanization is a direct outcome of rapid industrialization owing to which a large population gest concentrated in the cities. This consequently, results in a heavy rush of vehicular traffic, which necessitates effective control and efficient management to avoid chaos and accidents.

Regulation of traffic is done either by uniformed men who use different hand gestures to send different signals to the drivers or by the use of traffic lights which indicate the desired signals to the drivers.

Traffic lights are found at most of the important crossings and junctions of the city. These lights are arranged one above the other on a pole and covered by glasses of three different colors, viz. green, orange and red. Red light indicates to stop, and green gives the 'go ahead' signal. Orange signals are used in between to prepare or get ready for the red signal - that it to slow down the vehicle. These lights either change at a preset time or in some cities sets of timed lights are connected together so that traffic can proceed along the main road-route at a certain controlled speed without stopping. But the modern day traffic lights are computerized and time intervals are not fixed but vary in tune with vehicular presence. But what is the working mechanism of all these types of traffic lights?

The lights with fixed timing run according to a preset timed cycle. If a vehicle pulls up just as the signals changes from green to red, then it has to wait for the cycle to be completed till the light changes to green again even if no other vehicle is present in other directions of the crossing.

But in the modern style, timings of signals are not preset but respond to the presence of the vehicles. The technique used in this case is the setting up of a weak magnetic field through an electric wire buried under the road which is sensitive to the metal parts of the vehicle of the road. A computer- operated control box  senses this through the wire and if there are no other vehicles waiting to move in other directions then it flashes the green signal to the waiting vehicle, The computers also change the lights, and in the case of a centrally computerized traffic system, it is possible to operate sets of lights simultaneously to allow an easy and smooth flow of traffic.


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