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Saturday, July 28, 2018



Mozart is one of the greatest musicians ever born in the world. Whenever the word music is mentioned, his name is the first to come up. Music has been the main component of our culture since times immemorial. Generation after generation, people have enjoyed and experienced different forms and varieties of music. As a result, every period of history has produced its own breed of musicians, but only a few have been able to make a lasting impact in the minds and hearts of people. Mozart was one such product of the 18th century who went on to become one of the most brilliant composers in the history of music. His great genius was his ability to compose every form of music that included operas, choral, orchestral, and chamber music.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria in 1756. His father was a musician at the court of the Archbishop and his sister was also a talented musician. Even as a very young child, Mozart could play violin and harpsichord so well that his father took him on a tour to Europe to play before the Royalty. The trio consisting of Mozart, his father, and sister, were acclaimed wherever they performed. The young Mozart began to compose at the young age of 5. Later he studied music in Italy. Did you know that Mozart composed the poem "'Twinkle, twinkle, little star" when he was just 5 and it is longer than the four lines most of us know?

During his brief life of 35 years, Mozart was able to usher in a change in the trend of music that was prevalent during that time. The symphonies, sonatas and other instrumental works created by him were full of emotional energy. In the pre-Mozart era, music mostly lacked any kind of emotional expression. He is, generally, considered as a classical composer because his symphonies, concerts, and sonatas follow the rules of the musical forms of the classical period. What is not classical about some of Mozart's music is his intense personal touch. Some of his finest compositions sound as if he was pouring his heart out in his music.

Mozart composed some of the finest operas that include The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, The Magic Flute and Cosi Fantulte. He was one of those 18th-century musicians who is bracketed with Beethoven and Hayden for evolving and perfecting the orchestral music. His operas reflected every change of mood and twist of plot. The characters were presented as real people rather than theatrical puppets.

Although Mozart captured great attention as a child artist, his popularity waned with his growing age. As a result, he had to earn his living as a humble musician. He spent a greater part of his life in poverty and his health suffered consequently. He died very suddenly after a short illness. He died in 1791 at the young age of 35. The great composer died so poorly that only the gravedigger attended his funeral.


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