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Monday, July 30, 2018



In the recent times, witches and magic have become very popular due to the books of Harry Potter
. The phenomenon of magic and witch doctors is a very old one. In primitive societies, people had little control over supernatural forces, diseases, or natural calamities, etc. due to limited knowledge and lack of a scientific temper. They were afraid of natural elements because they could not control them. Occultism and mysticism dominated their lives due to ignorance.

The gradual development of science empowered men to deal with events and occurrences that were beyond their control earlier. In the primitive era, people were made to believe in them to resolve their problems. These practices gave rise to a class of people known as witch doctors, black magicians, tantriks, etc. who claimed to have mystical powers to control and influence the supernatural forces. Even today are found in certain primitive societies and villages. Among the practitioners of mysticism, the witch doctor was considered to be an important community member in a tribe. He was able to predict the weather, spot out a thief or a killer. He could treat illness by his magical powers and communicate with the dead.

Witch doctors were supposedly armed with black magic. He used it to frighten people with his power and make them follow his wishes. If he wished he could bring a curse on others, could make the crops fail, cause illness to children, or make people die. He used a variety of methods to curse people to death. Sometimes he made a small figure of the man and stuck pins in it or wound the rope around it. At times, he would get some man's hair or nail cuttings and bury them. As they decayed, the man died a slow death. People believed that he could extract blood and organs with his supernatural powers.

Witch doctors often used herbs and plants for curing illness and purifying water for curing the infection. Sometimes he would sprinkle water on a magic stone. He would chant magical songs, prayers, and dance in a weird manner to impress people. He would even dress up in bright-colored clothes and wear masks or paint his face. Some witch doctors wore hides of the animals. He hypnotized people to make them believe that he was responsible for their good luck. However, most witch doctors are quacks, they have no real power. Unfortunately, many innocent people are still victimized because of their belief in witchcraft.


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